Great quad bike... perfect for a small holding or just having fun! Bought 12 months ago, used it 5 times but just don't have the need for it since I moved my cattle off the land. Been sat in my garage since November... tried it out for the first time just recently and it started first time👍 Great little runner, lights, horn, brakes.. everything working just fine. 5 speed gears, 2WD. Say's 6,000 hrs on the clock but don't know how accurate that is. Will be surprised if this doesn't go quick! Inbox me if you prefer to see a video of the bike in action. Will give it a clean up before any sale🙂
Great quad bike... perfect for a small holding or just having fun! Bought 12 months ago, used it 5 times but just don't have the need for it since I moved my cattle off the land. Been sat in my garage since November... tried it out for the first time just recently and it started first time👍 Great little runner, lights, horn, brakes.. everything working just fine. 5 speed gears, 2WD. Say's 6,000 hrs on the clock but don't know how accurate that is. Will be surprised if this doesn't go quick! Inbox me if you prefer to see a video of the bike in action. Will give it a clean up before any sale🙂
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